Stella LouElla’s Runaway Book – Lisa Campbell Ernst

This book is slightly ironic to me – I have a children’s book on a claim return at the library right now. I know I returned it, but they haven’t found it yet. Amazing how those books just run away! In “Stella LouElla’s Runaway Book,” we read about her experiences with a frisky book. Just like magic, her book disappears, and it’s due by five o’clock. She races through the house, looking everywhere she can think. It’s not in the tub, or by the cereal boxes, or in her toy box. Her dad suggests that she look the last place … Continue reading

What Will Mommy Do When I’m at School? – Dolores Johnson

For many districts, school starts next week. There are countless children’s picture books available to help your child deal with the anxiety they may go through as they face their first day. I list just some at the end of this blog, but right now I’d like to introduce you to “What Will Mommy Do When I’m at School?” by Dolores Johnson. Our main character is a little girl who is heading off to school tomorrow. She’s worried about her mother, because she’s never left her alone for a whole day before. She wonders if her mother will miss her, … Continue reading