Twilight … His and Hers?

A friend introduced me to the Twilight series, and I admit, I found the books interesting, even though I didn’t jump on the whole “Team Edward” or “Team Jacob” bandwagon or buy T-shirts with the characters’ faces on them. The phenomenon certainly has swept the nation, though—so much so that many authors are trying to hit the same demographic and have started writing more vampire stories than ever before. I worked for a publishing house last year, and asked my husband to start skimming the submissions for me and tell me which ones were Twilight knock-offs and which weren’t. I … Continue reading

Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer

Eclipse is the third book in the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. This is a fun series focused on Bella and her relationship with a vampire Edward. What makes the story unique is that Edward’s family or coven is vegetarian. This means that they do not partake of human blood. Eclipse picks up just where New Moon drops off. Bella has just returned from rescuing Edward from the Volturi. Bella begins the book grounded as a result of taking off to Rome without Charlie’s permission. When Charlie agrees to end Bella’s punishment, he encourages Bella to continue her friendship with … Continue reading

Author Review: Stephenie Meyer

Hitting the literary world like a whirlwind with her debut novel “Twilight” and not letting up for a single second, Stephenie Meyer is one of the most talk-about authors currently publishing. I thought it would be interesting to take a closer look at Stephenie and her unique series. Stephenie is a Latter-day Saint. She won a National Merit Scholarship and graduated from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, with a bachelor’s degree in English. She is married and lives in Phoenix with her husband, who she has known since she was four years old. Together they have three sons. She … Continue reading

Eclipse – Stephenie Meyer

“Eclipse” is the third installment of the vampire series written by new author Stephenie Meyer. As we begin this story, we find that Bella hasn’t seen her friend Jacob for a while. As a werewolf, he’s a natural enemy to Edward, and Bella feels trapped between her best friend and the love of her life. She tries to send notes to Jacob, but they are returned with a terse message – that she should just drop it, but she doesn’t want to. Meanwhile, a rash of killings has broken out in Seattle, and someone gets into Bella’s room and messes … Continue reading

New Moon – Stephenie Meyer

Well, I never thought this would happen to me, but I’m addicted. When “Twilight” was first recommended to me, I wasn’t even the slightest bit interested. Come on – vampires? No, thanks. But round about the tenth recommendation, I though I’d give it a try. You can read about it here. When my friend lent me “New Moon,” the sequel, I was a very good girl and didn’t touch it for two days, but when I did, I read the first half before going to bed and the second half after waking up the next morning. I’m hooked. When we … Continue reading

Twilight – Stephenie Meyer

I’ve been encouraged by at least fifteen people to read “Twilight,” and decided I’d better give it a try if for no other reason than to stop the hoards of recommendations. I’m just really not in to vampire books, to be honest, and I didn’t think I was going to like it. So how’d I do with it? Let’s see – it’s nearly 500 pages, I started it last night and finished it just now. 500 pages in 24 hours isn’t too shabby. Truth is, I was practically glued to it the whole time. Too bad for the need to … Continue reading

Robert Pattinson is Related to “Dracula”

Genealogy is a hobby that involves putting a lot of small clues together in order to solve mysteries about the connection between one ancestor and another. At times, the truth can be even stranger than anything found in fiction. Genealogists from have discovered that Robert Pattinson really is related to “Dracula”. Robert Pattinson played Edward Cullen in the “Twilight” series of movies. The movies are based on a series of books written by Stephenie Meyer that are, in short, a supernatural romance series written for teens. Both the books and the movies have been incredibly popular. I would assume … Continue reading

Vampires on the Big Screen

The film Twilight, about the teen Bella Swan who finds herself in love with vampire Edward Cullen, brought in a staggering $70.6 million on it’s opening three day weekend. The success of the first of Stephenie Meyer’s books on the big screen started me to thinking of classic vampires through the years. There was the first vampire character, played by Max Schreck. Schreck was a German actor who played the lead role in Nosferatu. I’ve heard that Schreck was so convincing that some moviegoers actually thought he really was a vampire. (This image is in the public domain in the … Continue reading

Amazon Bestsellers – April 2008

What are the best selling books in the nation right now? What’s everyone reading? What are they talking about at the water cooler? Let’s find out. As of right this minute, the #1 best selling books on are: 1. “The Last Lecture” by Randy Pausch. Randy was a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon. Professors are often asked to give their hypothetical “last lecture,” to pretend they are dying or retiring and to decide what things they would find most important to say. When Randy was asked to fulfill this assignment, he didn’t have to pretend. He already was … Continue reading

Tristi’s Picks: Best Novels Read in 2007

It’s that time of year – the time to look back at my reading for the last year and decide which books were the most outstanding. As always, it’s a tough call, more so than usual, as I really found some great reads in 2007. I decided to allow for fifteen top favorites instead of my usual ten – ten is just too limiting. 1. “Wildwood Dancing” by Juliet Marillier was my favorite read over all. This delightful and enchanting fairy tale took the stories of “The Twelve Dancing Princesses” and “The Frog Prince” and blended them together in a … Continue reading