Spying, Trust, and Checking Up

As kids get older, one of the ongoing arguments or debates that parents and children tend to have is the “You don’t trust me—It has nothing to do with trust” argument. Back and forth it goes as children strive for independence and parents try to find that balance between trusting and letting go, AND being responsible and involved parents. It can be confusing for some of us to know where to draw the line and what is okay—where do we really stand on spying, checking up, and trust? There are so many things about parenting that can bring up our … Continue reading

Trust Me, Mom! – Angela McAllister

It happens to all of us – at some point, we become old enough to start doing things by ourselves. But that transition from young child to older child can be rough, especially on moms. In “Trust Me, Mom!” we meet Ollie. Today he is going to cross the street all by himself and go to the store. His mother has prepared him in every way she can think of. She even put on glasses and a fake nose to teach him about avoiding strangers. She warned him of every eventuality. And, she reminds him to only buy cheese. She … Continue reading