Two “Epic Mickey” Sequels in the Works

It seems that despite some gamers’ somewhat reserved opinions (including my own) Disney Interactive has decided that “Epic Mickey” was, well, epic enough to deserve not one but two sequels. In fact, “Epic Mickey” will follow in the footsteps of the other most famous, or at least the most popular, Disney video game: “Kingdom Hearts.” After KH’s release it was succeeded by two more games: a proper sequel out on its same platform, the PlayStation 2, and a smaller game bridging the two larger ones made for Sony’s handheld device. Gaming website IGN has details on the two games. The … Continue reading

Epic Mickey: Fun, But Not “Epic”

“Epic Mickey” for the Wii is a fun game that, despite its enjoyable game play, still manages to be mostly a tale of wasted potential. I say this from two points of view: both as a gamer thrilled by the early edgy concept art, and as a blogger for a family website determining its appropriateness for children. Nothing in “Epic Mickey” should frighten either the kids playing the game or their parents questioning its suitability. It’s not too scary or violent; in fact, the morality system allows for a non-violent option when facing enemies. Mickey wields a paintbrush and with … Continue reading

Heat Up Winter Travel

This winter’s wild weather has even the most seasoned meteorologists shaking their heads. Imagine what it’s doing to travel agents. According to industry experts, winter travel inquiries have nearly doubled in the last two weeks. Unexpected snow along the West Coast, wind storms across the Midwest and tornadoes down south have prompted many people to seek refuge in tropical locales. If you don’t have enough money to fund an escape to Hawaii or the Caribbean, then consider a more affordable jaunt to Florida. Miami has experienced a recent surge in budget-friendly hotel openings. Some decent options that provide comfort and … Continue reading

Burning Calories with Dancing

So apparently I am behind on the times. I recently blogged about how Zumba (the latest dance fitness craze) is finally coming to the video game world. In February, 2012, “Zumba Fitness Rush” is coming to Xbox 360. However, I should have done my homework. Apparently Zumba has already hit the video game world. In fact, I was complaining that nothing was available for my particular video game system, Nintendo Wii. But apparently last year “Zumba Fitness” had already been available for not only the Wii but Xbox 360 and PS3. Well I might be a bit behind on the … Continue reading

Explore the Disney Universe

One of my favorite party games is called “Smash Brothers.” It’s a Nintendo game wherein players control various famous characters from across the company’s franchises in a series of knock-down drag-out battles. I find getting to control Yoshi one minute and Link the next more enticing than Nintendo’s other common multi-player games, such as any of the sport or arcade games featured on Wii Play. Anyone who’s read my Disney blog for a while knows that my favorite video game is “Kingdom Hearts,” and no small part of that is because during it I get to play and interact with … Continue reading

The Best and Worst of 2010

While we look ahead to 2011, we should also take the time to look back on 2010 and consider some of the best and worst of the past year. Actually, anything good almost always has its downside and that is what I will be tackling in this blog. While I am a huge fan of Wii Fit Plus, video games that incorporate exercise can become a replacement for “real” exercise. My son got the Kinect for his Xbox this Christmas and I have seen him become active again, since he is stuck inside for winter. So there are real benefits … Continue reading

Parental Creativity

Creativity is key when you are a parent. I bow down to the moms and dads, who can pull a virtual rabbit out of their respective hats, when their kid is having a mammoth size meltdown in the middle of Target. The other day I watched as a mortified mom dug deep into diaper bag and MacGayvered a mock pacifier from the bottom of a broken teething toy, some rubber bands and what looked to be a plastic Fisher-Price Little People farm animal. Unreal. Is the creativity gene innate or is something born out of desperation? Personally, I think it’s … Continue reading

How to Find Video Games for Pennies

Are your “kiddos” gathering their Christmas lists? My kids are already having this discussion. I overheard them taking at our dining room table with the neighbor kids while everyone was coloring. My daughter wants “ruby shoes,” and my son is hoping for a video game. The discussion got me thinking about video games. They are so expensive. Current games can cost around $50 at the store. And the systems start in the hundreds. But if video games are on your list, there are ways to get them for less. Here are some ideas to help you get that special game … Continue reading

Motivate Yourself to Get Healthy with Fun!

A friend of mine got a Wii Fit as an anniversary present… and her excitement and enthusiasm was absolutely contagious! (Anybody have a Wii Fit they want to let me try?) I’ll be honest — I don’t usually feel excited and enthusiastic about exercising. I know it’s good for me. I know it helps my body stay healthy and flexible and strong. But exercise isn’t something I think of as fun. When healthy choices are chores, you’re less likely to stick with them (whether we’re talking about a diet or an exercise plan). But if you can make your lifestyle … Continue reading

Indiana Jones: The Legend of the Video Games

By now, we are all familiar with the movie-tie in video game. After all, movies today aren’t just movies. They are huge merchandising franchises that produce everything from tie-in toys to tie-in shampoo. In fact, I even heard a rumor of one company that wanted to license a movie tie-in for insecticide. No, I don’t want to even know what the move was that inspired that one. Video game tie-ins are not surprising. After all, you already have a plot (or tasks to complete the story), characters and plenty of graphics that are already conceptualized before a single piece of … Continue reading