The Quilter’s Legacy — Jennifer Chiaverini

Sylvia Compson, owner of Elm Creek Manor and operator of the Elm Creek Quilt Camp, has finally accepted Andrew’s offer of marriage. He’s been courting her off and on for years, proposed three times to be refused three times, but he’s never given up. Now his persistence is finally being rewarded and he couldn’t be more delighted. Sylvia, however, is starting to wonder what she’s gotten herself into. The other ladies from Elm Creek are leaving bridal magazines on her desk, looking at wedding cakes, sharing their opinions about dresses and flowers, and basically having the time of their lives, … Continue reading

Ella Minnow Pea – Mark Dunn

I truly enjoyed “Ella Minnow Pea,” a first novel by playwright Mark Dunn. By the time the book drew to a close, I was astounded and impressed by the ingenuity, cleverness, and humor of this author. Off the coast of South Carolina is a fictional island called Nollop. It was founded by a man named Nevin Nollop who, you will be greatly interested to know, was the inventor of the sentence, “The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.” Because of Nollop’s love of language, everyone on the island is very literate, uses a variety of long words to … Continue reading