The Quilter’s Legacy — Jennifer Chiaverini

Sylvia Compson, owner of Elm Creek Manor and operator of the Elm Creek Quilt Camp, has finally accepted Andrew’s offer of marriage. He’s been courting her off and on for years, proposed three times to be refused three times, but he’s never given up. Now his persistence is finally being rewarded and he couldn’t be more delighted. Sylvia, however, is starting to wonder what she’s gotten herself into. The other ladies from Elm Creek are leaving bridal magazines on her desk, looking at wedding cakes, sharing their opinions about dresses and flowers, and basically having the time of their lives, … Continue reading

The Runaway Quilt – Jennifer Chiaverini

I’ve read all the books in the Elm Creek Quilts series, but I have to say, this one is my favorite. Sylvia Compson, accomplished quilter and owner of Elm Creek Manor, is finishing up a lecture on the history of quilting when a woman from the audience named Margaret approaches her with an unusual quilt. Obviously over a hundred years old and well-used, the quilt nonetheless is fascinating to Sylvia. From the front, it looks like a series of quilt patterns sewn together into one, but from the back, it’s a map to Elm Creek Manor. As she drives home, … Continue reading

Round Robin – Jennifer Chiaverini

Jennifer Chiaverini, author of the wildly popular breakout novel “The Quilter’s Apprentice,” brings us the next segment of the Elm Creek Quilts series with this book, “Round Robin.” A round robin is a project where one person starts it, passes it on to another, who adds on to it, until it comes back to the original person. In this way, many friends can work together and create something beautiful that reflects all of them. Sarah McClure, co-director of Elm Creek Manor, wants to give a special gift to her friend and partner Sylvia Compson. She can think of no better … Continue reading

The Quilter’s Apprentice – Jennifer Chiaverini

“The Quilter’s Apprentice” is the first volume in the Elm Creek Quilts series by Jennifer Chiaverini, and is in fact Jennifer’s first novel. Sarah McClure and her husband Matt have come to Waterford, Pennsylvania, searching for a new life. Matt is starting up his own landscaping business, but Sarah can’t find anything that matches her skill set. Out of desperation, she takes a job as a housekeeper at Elm Creek Manor, a stately old place on the edge of town that’s full of history. The owner, Sylvia Compson, is an elderly and ornery woman, and a master quilter. When Sarah … Continue reading

Snuggling Up With Quilter, Author, and Pet Lover Annette Mahon

Photo of Libby and Annette Mahon provided courtesy of Ms. Mahon and used with her permission. If you have not had the pleasure of reading any of the dozen titles (mystery and romance) penned by author Annette Mahon, let me take the chance to introduce you to a multi-talented woman with an affinity for animals. In addition to loving her three-year-old Australian Shepherd Libby and writing, Ms. Mahon also quilts and commutes between Arizona and Hawaii (both of which are settings for many of her books). She was gracious enough to entertain my questions about how Libby fits in with … Continue reading