The Picture Books of Pamela Duncan Edwards

Let’s begin our look at author Pamela Duncan Edwards with her picture book about manners, called “Rude Mule.” On the first page we are presented with a question – what if a mule knocked on your front door and announced that he had come for lunch? And then what if he wouldn’t wash his hooves before eating, and what if he kept braying at the table? Well, he certainly wouldn’t get any lunch, but if he washed his hooves like a good little mule, and asked for lunch politely, you’d give him some. If he slurps and gobbles, what would … Continue reading

Daffodil, Crocodile – Emily Jenkins

Daffodil has two sisters, Rose and Violet. The three of them look exactly the same, down to the clothing they wear. Everyone calls them a sweet bouquet of flowers, but no one can tell them apart. Daffodil wants to be appreciated for her own individuality. In school, when Daffodil raises her hand to say something, her teacher invariably calls her by one of her sisters’ names instead of her own. By the time the teacher has corrected her mistake, Daffodil has forgotten what she wanted to say. Her classmates get her confused with her sisters too. Mommy was taking an … Continue reading

Seymour Slug Starts School – Carey Armstrong Ellis

In keeping with the fact that school starts next month for many districts, I offer “Seymour Slug Starts School.” Forget saying that three times fast – it’s even hard to type! Seymour and his family have just moved in to a new home by the compost heap. He’s supposed to start school soon, but he’s worried – what if everyone knows how to spell their names? He doesn’t. He’s just sure that everyone will be smarter than he is. As he settles down into bed that night, he is surprised to receive a visit from his Fairy Slugmother, who has … Continue reading