The Rescuer – Dee Henderson

It’s with a measure of sadness that I review this last book of the O’Malley series by Dee Henderson and say goodbye to this remarkable family. The only thing that will make me feel better is if you promise to read every one of them, and soon. Stephen is the only member of the family that has not yet converted to Christianity or settled down. A firefighter for years, he changed jobs and has been a paramedic for most of his career, competent in his profession and caring with the patients. Meghan is a nurse in the ER who has … Continue reading

The Healer — Dee Henderson

In book #5 of the O’Malley series by Dee Henderson, we learn about Rachel, who works as a trauma psychologist for the Red Cross. Heavy rains have turned the Des Plaines River into a monster, taking over Chicago and turning the streets into fast-swirling gushes. Homes are being evacuated and parents, as well as their children, are scared. Rachel has been helping in the shelter all day. Her job is to see to it that every person there is comforted in some way, gets some hope and can see their way clear toward building a future. Her brother Jack’s boss, … Continue reading

Flood Health: Food and Water

In light of flooding in the Midwest, this is a good time to look at how to stay safe and healthy during a flood. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control suggest looking at preventing illness from three different perspectives: Preventing illness from food Preventing illness from water Preventing other illness and injuries Make safe food and water a priority after a flood. If the power is out, try to keep fridge and freezer doors closed as much as possible to keep the cold air in. If the power will be out for more than four hours, you can add block … Continue reading

The Kanzius Machine

A former businessman named John Kanzius is working on a cure for cancer. No, he’s not a scientist or a doctor. He’s a guy who battled leukemia and spent a lot of time on the cancer ward at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. Kanzius said it was the sad faces of the children that inspired him. Although he’s been through more than thirty rounds of chemotherapy for his own cancer, he started work on his radio wave machine because of the kids. During a sleepless night, Kanzius remembered the radios he built as a child. Using his wife’s … Continue reading