The Crimson Oak – E. M. Almedingen

This young adult novel was set in a time of Russia’s history where education was only allowed to the rich, and peasants were allowed very little at all. The author was born in Russia and the story is rich with culture and heritage. Our main character is Peter, a boy who dreams of more. One morning, he had the rare treat of a whole day off to do whatever he wanted. His mother asked him to go pick some berries, and he didn’t want to do it, but he sighed and headed off anyway. On his way back from the … Continue reading

My Louisiana Sky – Kimberly Willis Holt

Tiger Ann Parker is a twelve-year-old girl with an unusual name living an unusual life. Her mother and father are both mentally slow, and they live with Granny, who oversees the household and basically is the only adult. Tiger’s parents love her deeply, but aren’t capable of giving her the care she needs, and Tiger spends much of her time caring for her mother instead, who is mentally six years old. Tiger’s father has a job at a nearby nursery and is a real whiz with the plants, but he can’t read or write at all. When Tiger was younger, … Continue reading