Jubal’s Wish – Audrey Wood

Husband/illustrator and wife/author team up for “Jubal’s Wish.” Jubal is a bullfrog (I’m not sure if he’s related to Jeremiah or not) who has prepared a wonderful picnic feast. With his basket over his arm, he skips down the flower path, enjoying the beautiful spring day. On his way, he passes the home of Gerdy Toad. She is outside beating a rug with a broom, and is cross when Jubal greets her. She can find nothing good about the day. Her children are out of control, her house is a mess, and she has no time for a picnic, even … Continue reading

The Bunyans – Audrey Wood

We all know how fun it is to read a tall tale. I can think of no tale taller than that of Paul Bunyan, the huge lumberjack who, along with his blue ox, Babe, cleared the land for the new settlers. But did you know that Paul got married and had a family? I certainly didn’t until I read this picture book. It seems that one day, while Paul was out clearing a road in the forest of Kentucky, he noticed that the ground was shaking, and he saw a hole in the side of a mountain. He did some … Continue reading

No Nap! – Eve Bunting

Anyone who has ever had a toddler will be able to identify with “No Nap,” a picture book by Eve Bunting. Dad is trying to get Susie to have her nap, but she insists that she’s not tired. Clever Dad – he’ll take her on a walk to wear her out. They both put on their jackets and head out into the chilly air. They go all the way around the block and then back home again. But Susie insists that she’s still not tired. Well, Dad has another idea. They’ll dance! Dancing should make Susie good and tired. He … Continue reading