Extras – Scott Westerfeld

At the end of “Specials,” the third book in the “Uglies” trilogy, Tally has decided to keep an eye on the world and make sure that as the people start enjoying their newfound freedom of thinking, they won’t make dumb decisions that will ultimately destroy their environment. She clearly remembers learning about the days when people burned trees, and doesn’t want civilization to return to such a backward state of thinking. In “Extras,” the spin-off to the series, we meet Aya. A young woman who lives in Japan, she’s part of a whole new culture, one that no longer inflicts … Continue reading

Specials – Scott Westerfeld

Third in the “Uglies” series by Scott Westerfeld, “Specials” takes us on a new journey with Tally Youngblood. At the end of “Pretties,” she had been taken in hand by Special Circumstances for thwarting their plans of controlling the populace through surgeries that would make everyone beautiful, but made them dumb and gullible. Tally fought hard to maintain her own will and her free agency, but Special Circumstances forced her to undergo another surgery, one that would rewire her brain and make her into one of them: a Special. Specials have gone through the most outrageous transformation of all. Their … Continue reading

Pretties – Scott Westerfeld

“Pretties” is the sequel to the futuristic sci-fi novel “Uglies,” reviewed by me previously. As I stated in that review, I’m not really a sci-fi fan, but these books are fascinating to me. Tally Youngblood lives in a society where beauty is the ultimate goal. When the people in her town reach the age of sixteen, they are given surgery to make them incredibly beautiful, but at the same time, their brains are altered to make them less aware of what’s going on around them. They are being controlled and kept from uprising. Only a few have escaped the surgery, … Continue reading

Author Interview – J. Adams

Today we are joined by J. Adams, the author of a book I reviewed last week. We’re so glad you could be here with us today! Your new novel, “The Journey,” is a parable of our journey down to earth and the choices we must make in order to return to our Heavenly Father. What gave you the idea for this book? Actually, the story was inspired by one of our daughters who is dealing with a trial and making some choices with some pretty poor consequences. Since she and so many other youth are into fantasy these days, I … Continue reading

Media Week in Review – February 25th – March 1st

We’ve had so much fun in Media Reviews this week. If you missed some of our fabulous blogs and are now feeling left out, it’s okay! You can catch up. We started the week with the second half of our interview with author Sandra Worth. What an awesome lady and talented author she is. Then we got to know another awesome lady in “Meet a Families.com Blogger – Lauri Griffin.” “Smash It! Crash It! Crunch It!” is an activity book to introduce important scientific principles. It sounds fun and really messy. “Smell of Death” is a cozy mystery about a … Continue reading