His Needs, Her Needs by Willard F. Harley Jr.

This is truly my favorite relationship book. It really gets to the core of the problem, explains why things like infidelity happen and then give you tools to prevent it. The analogies in this book are great, for example, the Love Bank. They use the love bank to explain how when you meet someone and things are wonderful, this person is making deposits in your love bank. Eventually those deposits add up to a marriage. They also explain how certain things cause withdrawals from your love bank. In the normal course of marriage you will both make deposits and withdrawals … Continue reading

Big Green Purse by Diane MacEachern

The sub title for this book is – Use your spending power to create a cleaner, greener world- and that’s just what they show you how to do. Diane explains how every dollar you spend impacts manufacturers decisions and how pointing your spending dollar can influence how products are made and the environmental impact they have. One of the examples of this change is tea. Usually tea is grown with lots of pesticides by farmers who are not paid a fair wage and whose children usually have to work in those fields. Thanks to the demand for organic teas many … Continue reading