Sitting Down to Eat – Bill Harley

Have you ever had unexpected guests show up and invite themselves to dinner? Did you tell them to go away, or did you feed them? Was there enough room? One little boy had this problem to a much bigger extent than you or I ever will. Let’s see how he handled it in the children’s picture book “Sitting Down to Eat” by Bill Harley. He was just sitting down to eat when he heard a knock at the door and a plaintive request to come in. When he opened the door, he saw an elephant, and didn’t know what to … Continue reading

Ruby and the Sniffs – Michael Emberly

This book was a hit with my kids the minute it hit the door. My two-year-old son took one look at the cover and waved at it. “Hi, Mouse!” Ruby is a cute little mouse who wears red overalls and a baseball cap (turned backwards, of course—the cool way). Ruby and her friend, Mrs. Mastiff, are sitting quietly, reading, when suddenly, Ruby hears a noise upstairs. She thinks maybe it’s cat burglars, but Mrs. Mastiff tells her that they live in a cat-free building, so that can’t possibly be it. Ruby really wants to go check it out, but Mrs. … Continue reading

Alligator Sue – Sharon Arms Doucet

There once was a girl who lived on a houseboat in Louisiana. Her name was Suzanne Marie Sabine Chicot Thibodeaux, but her parents called her Sue for short. (Thank goodness!) One day a hurricane swooped down and took Sue right up into the sky. Finally it dropped her down into an ancient live oak tree, where she stayed all night long. The next morning, Sue jumped down, to find herself in a gator nest! A mama alligator was keeping watch over that nest, and Sue came snout to snout with her. The alligator was quite taken with Sue, even more … Continue reading

The Kettles Get New Clothes – Dayle Ann Dodds

The Kettles are a cute little family of dogs who go clothes shopping for themselves once a year. They like their clothes very plain and simple – no need for lots of fancy floofs for them, thank you very much. But one day, when they made their pilgrimage, they discovered something unsettling. The store they usually went to was different. It had a shiny glass door, instead of the plain wooden one it always had before. The owner, Pip by name, rushed forward and took all their measurements, then hustled them off to the dressing rooms. He outfitted them all … Continue reading

The Adventures of Taxi Dog – Debra and Sal Barracca

“The Adventures of Taxi Dog,” a rhyming children’s picture book, has been featured on “Reading Rainbow” on PBS. That from the start tells me that we’re about to read a high quality book. The story is told from the perspective of Maxi, the dog. He used to be a stray on the streets of New York City. He lived primarily in the park, but had to be careful to avoid the dogcatcher. He ate whatever he could find, and life was pretty hit-and-miss for him. One day a taxi pulled over to the curb with a flat tire. When the … Continue reading