Drs. Parrott Marriage Book Blog Tour Coming to Families.com

Shortly after I returned home earlier this month I received an intriguing email. It was from a Mr. Michael Pritchard with Zondervan. His subject line read “Courtney, Les and Leslie Parrott Marriage Book Blog Tour Invitation.” Marriage? Books? Blogs? Some kind of tour and an invitation? Didn’t look like the run of the mill spam. Turns out it wasn’t. Zondervan is a big Christian publisher and here they were asking me to help them with a very cool promotion idea. The chance to read Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott’s newest book Trading Places: The Best Move You’ll Ever Make in … Continue reading

Trial by Fire — Terri Blackstock

In book 4 of the Newpointe 911 series, we learn more about Nick, volunteer firefighter and pastor. As a religious leader in the community, Nick is admired and respected. His friends and coworkers come to him with their troubles and he says the right words to make everything better. Often, he reads to them from the scriptures and reminds them of God’s love. He is a rock in the midst of the chaos, but now he’s the one in crisis. A dead body has been found in his church, a church which has just been burned to the ground. Who … Continue reading

Word of Honor — Terri Blackstock

In book three of the Newpointe 911 series, “Word of Honor,” we learn more about Jill Clark, a character we’ve seen before but haven’t fully explored yet. She is an attorney who has often worked with the emergency service people of Newpointe, and has made friends with them as well. She is staying overnight in a hotel room, when suddenly her door crashes open and in comes a gunman, holding a rifle. Leveling it at her head, he takes her hostage, and she learns that a bomb has gone off at the post office, killing three people instantly and leaving … Continue reading

Shadow of Doubt — Terri Blackstock

Please be patient with me as I review this series out of order. The other day I reviewed the final book as a tribute to 9/11, and I already reviewed volume one before that, so now with the introduction of “Shadow of Doubt,” volume two, we’re back on track and in the right order. In this installment of the Newpointe 911 series, we hear the story of Stan and Celia Shepherd. Stan, a detective, has been poisoned, and the #1 suspect is his wife, Celia. The case is made even worse by the fact that years before, her first husband … Continue reading