A Library in a Shopping Mall?

Libraries vs. shopping malls. The two things seem as diametrically opposed as a hot fudge sundae and a chunk of tofu. Yet for residents of Orem, Utah, it’s not all that strange. The Orem City Library has been undergoing a $1.8 million dollar remodel, involving half of the library. The south wing will feature a brighter interior, with new ceilings, lighting, and seating. But what do you do with half the contents of an entire library? You can’t just shove it all into a closet while the remodeling takes place. Thus was born the idea of opening a branch of … Continue reading

Rediscovering the Library

This is Jaime from Media Reviews bringing you the latest information on media! Do you know where you can get the latest media? Your local library! “Hold on, Jaime,” you may say, “the library only has books.” Well, my friend, the library does have books, but that’s not all! Did you know that most libraries these days also carry music and videos? Yes, it’s true! Since becoming a blogger for Media Reviews, I was looking for old and new materials to review. I went to my local library looking for books and CDs because I knew that the library had … Continue reading

Ten Ways to Motivate Your Child to Read

Encouraging our children to read can sometimes be a daunting task. Although some of us are blessed with avid readers, many of us live with the child that would rather “wait for the movie to come out”. Listed below are ten strategies to help your child develop a passion for reading. 1. Build a Well Stocked Home Library. When the boys came to live with us, we had no children’s books in the house. Every book was geared for an adult. Since then we have added two bookcases and three very long shelving units above them to accommodate the books … Continue reading

Ten Tips to Save a Bit Extra

This may sound like a New Year resolution list, but actually it is the little things I’m going to do so I can save a bit extra money and stretch it really far. My goal is to pay off our debt and still have fun doing it! 1. I’m going to cook at home more – starting with celery, onions and garlic I can add ingredients for home made spaghetti sauce, soups or Mexican dishes – for the whole week! It doesn’t take too much extra planning if I just think about it before I hit the grocery store. 2. … Continue reading