Back-to-School Reading

Hallmark has been selling Halloween cards and decorations since July (they’re hawking Christmas tree ornaments too), so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that Barnes and Noble has an entire display of back-to-school themed books set up in the middle of their kids’ section. Fortunately, my 6-year-old loves school, so she didn’t hightail it out of the store screaming like a banchee upon seeing the sky-high display heralding the end of summer vacation. Instead, my little bookworm made a beeline for her favorite book series, many of which feature back-to-school editions, including: Pinkalicious: School Rules by Victoria Kann Victoria Kann’s … Continue reading

Mr. Reading Rainbow’s Radical Message to Parents

Oh no, he didn’t. Levar Burton, host of the now canceled PBS children’s series “Reading Rainbow,” didn’t just tell legions of parents: “I couldn’t care less whether kids learn to read.” Oh yes, he did. But, that’s not all the 26-year veteran of the popular kid’s show got off his chest during a recent public statement. Burton also told his loyal fans (or at least the ones who can read): “May that godforsaken show burn in hell.” That was before the former “Roots” star let this doozy rip: “Look, Reading Rainbow was a television program. That should tell you something … Continue reading

Media Review: Through Moon and Stars and Night Skies (Reading Rainbow Video)

You may be familiar with the PBS series Reading Rainbow. Each episode reads one children’s book in its entirety, and has young viewers review several other related books. However, each episode goes beyond the books to delve deeper into their topic through interviews with real people. In this Reading Rainbow episode on adoption (available on VHS from Amazon by clicking here or at many libraries), the topic is expanded to have many child and “person on the street’ interviewees say what “family” means to them, and the rewarding and sometimes frustrating things about being in a family. “Let me tell … Continue reading

Parents Visiting the Library: Reading to Children

Yesterday, I spent a couple of hours at my daughter’s school volunteering in the school library and putting up books before having lunch with my daughter. Eating lunch with your child at school is a great idea, my midget loves it and so far we’ve made it a weekly meet and greet. But yesterday was special for more than just going to volunteer in the library and having lunch with my daughter. Yesterday, I spent 50 minutes after the lunch hour back in the library reading to the children in my daughter’s kindergarten class. She was thrilled to see me. … Continue reading

Toddlers And Television

As with any topic related to parenting toddlers, the topic of television is one where families vary greatly in their approaches. Some families avoid any and all television. Some have multiple televisions which are on much of the time. Most of us fall somewhere in the middle of the television spectrum. Personally, we only have one television in our home. It is in our bedroom. It is not hooked up to cable, satellite, or any other television service. We have a DVD player, and that is what we use the television for. As far as what kind of programming and … Continue reading

A Pastor Said What? – Part 1

I hope you don’t get tired of reading my blogs about social justice. Maybe it is because I was born in the early ‘60s, but it just seems like all my life, some group – African American, Native Americans, women, the handicapped – has always been fighting for equal rights. So, when I see social injustice, it just irks me and I feel the need to speak out about it. I was going to write a blog about green uses for vinegar, but as angry as I am today, that can wait. I just saw a horrifying video that has … Continue reading

My Mommy Hung the Moon

My Mommy Hung the Moon. Do book titles get any better that? The only thing better would be if your kid actually uttered those five validating words… and meant it. Lucky for me, my child actually does… sometimes… when she’s well-rested, well-fed, and I’ve just played Guess Who? with her for the bazillionth time and agreed to endure combat “just one more little time, Mommy, please, please, please!” Okay, so the words, “My mommy hung the moon,” have never passed her lips, but when the stars are aligned just right, the sentiment is there, and she is not afraid to … Continue reading

Confessions of a Foodie Mom: Food as Atmosphere?

Last night I had dinner at my parents’ house, along with my husband and kids, my sister and her husband and kids, and my aunt. There were 13 of us in all. Italian food is Mom’s specialty, what I remember from growing up. I’m allergic to perfumes and fragrances. (This is relevant, really.) My mom was too, so I didn’t grow up with them. Once when I had to leave a party because of heavy fragrance, I wondered aloud to my husband, “Why do people need to use this stuff, anyway?” “Well,” said my husband, “didn’t you ever have a … Continue reading

How to Make Mealtime Fun

Instead of getting upset with your picky preschooler at mealtime, consider getting him involved in the preparation process. If you allow him into the kitchen instead of chasing him out in order to give you more space to whip up lunch or dinner, he’ll become invested in the meal, and consequently he may try new items. Start off by experimenting with old favorites. For example, instead of making the same ol’ PB & J sandwiches, consider creating kid-friendly fruit kabobs, pizza, and quesadillas. Kids love dipping, stacking and rolling up their food into fun treats. Purchase some mini bagels, flour … Continue reading

Are You An Amazing Momma?

We are all amazing moms, but are you an amazing mom who is willing to share her story with the world? There are various reasons why each one of us is a single mom. Most of us did not choose to be that way, but circumstances in our life did not work out as we had planned them to. A single mom is just trying to do the very best that she can and at you have the chance to get a little break in the form of an award. Tell in a one-page essay your story, challenges … Continue reading