Piggies in a Polka – Kathi Appelt

Who could pass by a book called “Piggies in a Polka?” I certainly couldn’t, and so here we are. The first thing that catches my eye when I open the book is the rich, vibrant coloration of the illustrations. No mamby-pamby pastels – you feel drenched in shades of red, blue, green and yellow, with everything else in between. As it turns out, all the pigs from all over the holler are gathering for the yearly hootenanny. (I never knew how to spell that word before, and now I do . . .) We’ve got pigs playing instruments, selecting their … Continue reading

Sunny Boy! The Life and Times of a Tortoise – Candace Fleming

The tortoise has always preferred a very quiet sort of life, but all that changed one day when he was snatched off his rock, put in a box, and plunked on a ship, bound for New York. They had plans for him – he was going to become turtle soup! But as luck would have it, after arriving in New York, he bounced out of his box and landed on the lap of a diner. The man’s name was Pelonius Pimplewhite, and he decided to take the tortoise home with him. Pelonius was a horticulturist, and he had a wonderful … Continue reading

Hannah’s Collections – Marthe Jocelyn

I had a lot of fun reviewing “Hannah and the Seven Dresses” the other day, so today I’m reviewing another book by the same author. In “Hannah’s Collections,” we see that Hannah loves to collect things. Everything is a treasure – and I do mean, everything. Her room is really cluttered with all of her things, and when her teacher asks the children in her class to bring in a collection to display, Hannah doesn’t know what to do. She has so many collections – how will she ever choose which one to bring? For instance, she has 153 buttons, … Continue reading