O.J. Simpson’s in Hot Water Again

For some reason, O.J. Simpson seems to have a need to be in the spotlight, whether it be in a good way (with his football accomplishments and acting career) or in a bad way (the murder of former wife Nicole Simpson and friend Ron Goldman and the “fictitious” book). Once again, his name is in the headlines, but as you might guess, it is not in a good way. O.J. has been questioned by investigators of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department in regards to a break-in of a hotel room. Sgt. John Loretto confirmed that there is an allegation … Continue reading

New Homes For Miss America and Simpson Book

Move over “Trading Spaces” and “A Baby Story” you’ve got a new neighbor… Miss America. Five months after getting the boot from Country Music Television, the beauty competition has found a new home on TLC. Network execs announced that it would air a reality show about Miss America, culminating with the finals on January 26, 2008 in Las Vegas. (The network also agreed to air the pageant for two years after that.) It’s hard to believe that the Miss America pageant, which once was a staple of life in Atlantic City and must-see TV in primetime has struggled to find … Continue reading

O.J. Simpson Doesn’t Write a Book

I can see O.J. now, sitting at home, his head in his hands. “Why?” he asks, a look of pain on his face. “Why did Tristi Pinkston have to write such a scathing blog about my book? Now it’s been cancelled!” Okay, I’m willing to admit that my blog had nothing to do with it. I’d sure like to take credit for the cancellation, though. I got curious about it and found some details in my local newspaper, the Daily Herald. The following facts come from the headline story of their Tuesday, November 21st edition. Apparently media mogul Rupert Murdoch … Continue reading

O.J. Simpson Writes a Book

My local newspaper, The Daily Herald, featured an editorial this last Sunday that just got my blood boiling. Why is it that some publishers will sell their souls to make a buck? This seems the perfect example to me. It seems that O.J. Simpson is publishing a book entitled, “If I Did It,” which gives a fictional account of how he killed his wife and her friend as if he had undertaken the task. His publisher, ReganBooks, is labeling the book a “confession.” I don’t know what to label it, but the first thing that comes to mind is “insane.” … Continue reading