Red Clothes

Our son is adorable. How do I know this? I know it because I’m his father and fathers are always right. If you don’t believe me feel free to ask his mother: she’ll tell you the same thing. This adorableness is directly responsible for the fact that our son has recently fulfilled sort of an unknown wish of my life. The Christmas season is a whimsical and magical time of goodwill and happiness. It is one of those yearly events that lasts far longer than the single day it is meant to celebrate and impresses itself upon the memories of … Continue reading

Week in Review: December 3rd-9th

We had a great week in Media Reviews. In case you missed out on this week’s blogs, here’s a rundown of everything we did. In “By Man Least Understood,” Tristi reviewed an LDS doctrinal book about forgiveness, repentance, and the need we all have for the Atonement of Jesus Christ. She then took a closer look at Barbara Kingsolver’s blockbuster hit, “The Poisonwood Bible,” the story of a preacher who took his wife and daughters to the Belgian Congo and the experiences they had when the Congolese decided to proclaim their independence from Belgium in the 1960s. We reviewed some … Continue reading

Mr. Willowby’s Christmas Tree – Robert Barry

How can one Christmas tree bring joy to seven households? Mr. Willowby’s Christmas Tree is an old favorite that children love. Mr. Willowby is a millionaire. His Christmas tree arrives by special delivery. It’s the biggest tree he’s ever seen. In fact, it’s so big that the tree bends at the top. The butler solves the problem by chopping off the top. Instead of throwing it out he gives it to the upstairs maid. The small tree top is actually too big for the maid’s room and she snips off the very top. She sets it out in the trash. … Continue reading