Mr. Katapat’s Incredible Adventures – Barroux

Mr. Katapat might not look like anything special, but in reality, he is a great adventurer. Each day as he heads down to the library, he prepares himself to set forth on another quest. You wouldn’t think such great things could start at the library, but they do. You see, each and every book is a passport to adventure, and all he has to do is make a decision – which book will he choose today? There’s so much to choose from! He could be deep in the jungle, looking for a pygmy temple while staying out of the reaches … Continue reading

Media Week in Review June 2nd-7th

Welcome to our Week in Review for Media! We started out with a review of “Hatchet” by best-selling adventure novelist, Gary Paulsen. When Brian’s parents divorce, Brian is sent elsewhere to live, and at the airport, his mother makes him a gift of a hatchet. That hatchet becomes his lifeline when the small plane crashes and Brian must learn to fend for himself in the wilderness. We then read “Chopping Spree” by Diane Mott Davidson. Caterer Goldy Schultz is hired to create a fabulous spread for some rich clients at the nearby shopping mall when the manager of the mall … Continue reading