Wombat Divine – Mem Fox

Wombat from down under is here to share a sweet Christmas tale with us. It’s a week before Christmas and Wombat is so excited. He loves the lights and the presents, he loves the Christmas caroling – but best of all is the Nativity play. Wombat has been waiting to be old enough to be in the play, and this year, he finally is. He rushes off to the auditions, anxious to take part. When he gets there, he sees all of his animal friends gathered together. Emu is making a list of the actors and their parts. When she … Continue reading

Koala Lou – Mem Fox

Growing up, my parents called me a koala bear because I was soft and cuddly. I think if they’d known that real koalas are actually pretty mean, they would have chosen a different animal, but that’s neither here nor there. I picked up “Koala Lou” in fond reminiscence of my childhood, and really liked it on its own merits. There once was a soft, sweet baby koala named Koala Lou. She was very beloved by all the animals she knew – the emu, the platypus, and the other koalas all thought she was just the cutest thing. But her mother … Continue reading

ABC Scrapbooks – Three Fabulous ABC Lists

Creating an ABC album is so much fun, but trying to think up ABC lists can be exhausting. I took some of the dirty work out of it for you, by including five ABC lists for different topics. I hope you enjoy and can find them useful for your own scrapbook albums and layouts. Animal ABC’s A – Aardvark, Alligator, Anaconda, Ant, Anteater, Antelope, Arctic Fox, Armadillo, B – Baboon, Badger, Bald Eagle, Bat, Bear, beaver, Bee, Bighorn Sheep, Bird, Bison, Black Widow Spider, Boa Constrictor, Bobcat, Bumblebee, Butterfly, Buzzard C – Camel, Canary, Cardinal, Cat, Catfish, Centipede, Chameleon, Cheetah, … Continue reading

Sunny Boy! The Life and Times of a Tortoise – Candace Fleming

The tortoise has always preferred a very quiet sort of life, but all that changed one day when he was snatched off his rock, put in a box, and plunked on a ship, bound for New York. They had plans for him – he was going to become turtle soup! But as luck would have it, after arriving in New York, he bounced out of his box and landed on the lap of a diner. The man’s name was Pelonius Pimplewhite, and he decided to take the tortoise home with him. Pelonius was a horticulturist, and he had a wonderful … Continue reading