The Clairvoyant Countess – Dorothy Gilman

I reviewed “Kaleidoscope” a few weeks ago, which is the sequel to “The Clairvoyant Countess.” I enjoyed it so much, of course I had to go back and find the original. I wasn’t disappointed at all. We meet Madame Karistska, clairvoyant, who has lived a fascinating life. She came from money but because of political upheaval in the countries where she lived, she came to America as a pauper. She has never used her clairvoyance for profit, but having to rely on her own skills to make it in the world, she decides to go into business for herself. She … Continue reading

Kaleidoscope – Dorothy Gilman

Most famous for her Mrs. Polifax series, Dorothy Gilman didn’t limit herself to stories about the gutsy elderly detective. In “Kaleidoscope,” we see a whole new female sleuth, Madame Karitska. First introduced in Gilman’s book “The Clairvoyant Countess,” Karitska is a displaced countess of former wealth who went through a terrible period in her life and is now virtually penniless, living in a humble apartment from where she does psychic readings. Karitska’s good friend Pruden is on the police force and often comes to her for advice. She helped rescue his lady love in the first novel, and in this … Continue reading

Media Week in Review – May 19th – 24th

Life just never slows down, does it? If you had a crazy week and missed some of our blogs here in Media Reviews, here’s your chance to get caught up. We started off the week with a closer look at virtual book tours with a chat with Jean Hackensmith, an author who has done quite a bit of virtual touring and found success in this new way to market. We then took at look at popular author Jan Brett’s website, which has over four thousand activities, including drawing lessons, coloring pages, and a concentration game. Does one of your children … Continue reading