In Cases of Divorce, Who Gets the Books?

No one gets married planning to get a divorce. That is, unless you’re Catherine Zeta-Jones’ character in “Intolerable Cruelty,” but that movie is a PG-13 and I’m only allowed to mention PG movies so forget I said that. The point is, when you get married, you expect it to last, and together you build up a beautiful collection of books. What do you do when you find your heart broken, your dreams shattered, and you have to decide – who gets the books? Things like this just aren’t covered in prenuptial agreements. May I offer the following suggestions that might … Continue reading

What Kind of Book Should I Take to the Hospital?

So, you’re off to the hospital and you want to pack a book to while away the hours. I’ve come up with a list of suggestions for you to make the selection process a little easier. 1. If you are having a procedure that requires any sort of incision in the area ranging from the chest to the naval, do not take a humorous book. The laughing will hurt like the dickens and it will not be worth the extra morphine they’ll have to give you. 2. If you are having a baby, you probably won’t want to take a … Continue reading