Hope Was Here – Joan Bauer

I really enjoyed “Hope Was Here” by Joan Bauer, the story of a teenage girl who doesn’t know where she belongs, until she finds a place that’s better than anything she could have imagined. She was born prematurely and underweight. Her mother, a flighty, irresponsible woman barely older than a girl herself, took off and left her at the hospital, after sticking her with the impossible name of Tulip. Hope’s aunt Addie took her in, raised her, allowed her to change her name, and gave her a backbone of security. With just one flaw – they’ve had to move frequently. … Continue reading

Newbery Medal Winners: 2001-2006

In 2001, special effects really rocked the movies in films such as “Shrek” and “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.” Amazon.com became a popular place to purchase movies and such in 2002, and continues its popularity today. 2003 was a big year for literature as the “Harry Potter” series was accused of being satanic, yet defended by its fans. Also, it was estimated that approximately one-third of all books purchased in the U.S. was romance novels. Interesting, I think. In 2004, it was estimated that 95% of U.S. public libraries offered Internet access. I wonder where that number is today. … Continue reading