Download Classic Books to Your NOOK for Free!

I have written many blogs that point out where to find free eBooks for your Kindle. Did you know that there are free eBooks for NOOK, too? These are completely legal to download, and come from the Barnes & Noble website. Barnes & Noble is the company that sells the NOOK eReader. I thought it would be nice to start out with some books that are Classics. These are the books that you probably were assigned to read while you were in school. It can be very enjoyable to read them years after you have left school, at your own … Continue reading

Free eBooks For Your Kindle – Week of January 19, 2012

The Kindle is an electronic book reader. It is made by Amazon, and is one of the most popular type of eBook readers in existence. If you know where to look, you can find plenty of books that you can legally download for free for your Kindle, (right from the Amazon website). Here is a quick list of what is available for free right now. People who love to read will be able to think of several books that they want to put onto their Kindles. Most of the time, doing this will cost you at least a little bit … Continue reading

Save Space on Your Bookshelf with eBooks

Genealogy is a hobby that requires a lot of research. Research requires one of two things: access to the internet, or access to the actual printed books that you can hold in your hand. While a visit to a library can be very helpful, it has limitations. The other option is to buy the book you need. Many genealogists quickly end up with more books than they have the physical shelf space for. One great way to save valuable shelf space is to purchase the book in electronic format. Digital books are also called electronic books, or eBooks. They contain … Continue reading

Have You Heard about Kindle?

As if books weren’t wonderful enough already, Amazon has come up with a way to make them more portable. With the recent release of a product called “Kindle,” you can now take up to two hundred e-books with you wherever you go, but only lug around a machine less than the size of a paperback, at 10.3 ounces. I’ve seen steaks bigger than that! Kindle is like a large Palm Pilot. You upload your e-book and then retrieve the information on the screen. But the thing is, the Kindle screen is special. It’s designed to display to look as much … Continue reading

Top Pick: 100 Pound Loser {eBook}

Book:  100 Pound Loser Author:  Jessica Heights Format:  Kindle, eBook Cost:  $4.99 Book Description: Witty and candid, 100 Pound Loser is a motivational weight loss tool written by a mother of four whose jaw-dropping 100 pound weight loss story and practical advice will inspire, encourage, and motivate readers to conquer their weight loss goals and appreciate their bodies, regardless of the numbers on the scale. From the text: “I wrote this because I’m just like you…I’ve been where you are: feeling tired, sluggish, and out of shape. Wanting to make positive changes for your health, but overwhelmed by the enormity … Continue reading

EBook Readers As A Genealogist’s Tool

While I was out doing my holiday shopping this past Christmas season, I noticed that eBook readers like the Amazon Kindle were everywhere. It seemed like they were a very popular gift and many people that I know have them and love them. While I do not yet have a Kindle, I do know that they can be very useful for genealogists. The first and most obvious thing that genealogists can do with a Kindle is to purchase and download genealogy books. Gone are the days of waiting until you can make a trip to the book store to get … Continue reading

Daughter Connects With Long Lost Father This Christmas

A twenty-nine year old woman was able to meet her biological father for the first time, thanks to the power of the social networking website called Facebook. The two met in person very recently, right before Christmas. One unexpected result of this reunion was that the biological parents of the twenty-nine year old woman were able to rekindle their romance with each other. Twenty-nine year old Shaheen Schneider had never met her father. Shaheen’s mother, Lisa Ketting, said that she and Shaheen’s father were very young when they had a relationship with each other. When Lisa became pregnant, she decided … Continue reading

Save Money On College Textbooks from Barnes & Noble

There are many expenses that go along with attending a college or university. There are tuition bills, fees for classes, and meal plans to be paid for. College students may need new bedding, or a new computer to take to school with them. The one thing you can be certain to save some money on are textbooks. Right now, Barnes & Noble can help you do that. Barnes & Noble is having a sale on college textbooks. I would highly recommend using their website to place your order, instead of walking into the stores. As a former Barnes & Noble … Continue reading

Traveling Books or How the Digital can Suppress

I’m so concerned with and interested in new technologies that I often ignore older ones to my peril. This semester I’m working on a number of projects surrounding the use/abuse of copyright law as applied to the arts. Since my study isn’t confined to the twenty first century (or even the twentieth century for that matter) it would be unwise to rely entirely on the internet for securing resources and conducting research. This past week I used one of the tools I’d forgotten libraries had the ability to use: mail (and not the e-mail kind). Earlier this week a real, … Continue reading

Talking Cats, Ferrets, and Writing with Ed Lynskey

I’ve never met my next interviewee in person, but we’ve had an acquaintance via writing that’s spanned a few years now. Back when I was editor for the now defunct EWG Presents, he submitted a couple of stories that I published. Unbeknownst to him, I’ve followed his burgeoning career. (Which I always knew was going to take off one day. He’s quite talented!) But after I interviewed Jeff Cohen, Ed wrote me and informed me we had another love besides writing in common: pets. Thus, an interview was born… Courtney Mroch: What kind of things do you write about? (Genre, … Continue reading