While Shepherds Watched – Jenni Fleetwood

“While Shepherds Watched” is a children’s picture book written to celebrate the birth of the Christ Child. Today Matthias turns eight, and he gets to go out into the fields to take care of the sheep tonight. He’s looked forward to this for a long time. As he heads out to take his place, it gets dark quickly, and he’s a little bit nervous. As he watches the sheep huddle together for warmth, he notices that one of the ewes is standing apart from the rest. John, who is four years older than Matthias, explains that the ewe will deliver … Continue reading

Stella LouElla’s Runaway Book – Lisa Campbell Ernst

This book is slightly ironic to me – I have a children’s book on a claim return at the library right now. I know I returned it, but they haven’t found it yet. Amazing how those books just run away! In “Stella LouElla’s Runaway Book,” we read about her experiences with a frisky book. Just like magic, her book disappears, and it’s due by five o’clock. She races through the house, looking everywhere she can think. It’s not in the tub, or by the cereal boxes, or in her toy box. Her dad suggests that she look the last place … Continue reading

Grandma According to Me – Karen Magnuson Beil

My grandmother passed away eight years ago, and although it has been a while, her memory is still vivid with me. I love “Grandma According to Me” as it is told through the eyes of a young girl, and it so closely echoes the thoughts and feelings I have about my own grandmother. We read that Grandma has a nice big lap, and she can hold two children in it at the same time, but our narrator likes it best when she has Grandma all to herself. Grandma’s lap is as soft as a pillow, and there aren’t any places … Continue reading