Just Dance 3 Review

Sometimes it is just a little difficult to get the motivation to exercise. Faithful with walking and running in the other three seasons, getting out in the dark and the cold takes some extra resolve that isn’t always there. The warm cinnamon rolls and a cup of coffee always seem much more appealing than donning layers to head out to the park in 25 degrees. Still, all of those Christmas cookies can wreck havoc. With four other people in the house who either need exercise or at least an outlet for their energy, we decided to try Just Dance 3 … Continue reading

Game Review: Dream Chronicles

If you enjoy playing casual games, such as Diner Dash, Farmville, Bejeweled, Mystery Case Files or Plants versus Zombies, then I think you are going to like Dream Chronicals, especially if you are looking to step up to something with a little more adventure. A cross between hidden object and adventure game, Dream Chronicles attempts to bridge the gap between the casual game and the traditional game. It does a decent job with this goal, and the pros outweigh the cons. In Dream Chronicles, you are Faye, a woman who wakes up one day to find her husband missing and … Continue reading