Eternals – Neil Gaiman

I picked up Eternals because Neil Gaiman is one of my favorite authors. I’ve also been hearing a lot lately about “graphic novels”. That doesn’t mean they are full of sex and violence. It means they are illustrated. This particular graphic novel is a comic book, complete with dialogue balloons and several frames per page. I did get some odd looks for reading this hard bound comic book at the dentist office. I’m sure people wondered about me. But it was fun to read a comic book again. As a writer, I was impressed at how the illustrations complimented the … Continue reading

Disney-Marvel Takeover Official

On December 30, 2009 Marvel shareholders voted to OK the Walt Disney Corporation’s purchase of Marvel Entertainment. For those who don’t know, Marvel Entertainment is one of the major comic book companies and owns franchises like X-Men and Spiderman. Despite the enormity of the deal, we will see few immediate changes in the output of either company, particularly in film. Most of Marvel’s main franchises, such as Spiderman, The Fantastic Four, and X-Men are already tied up in deals with other movie studios. The situation is similar for television series. Also, Marvel characters may not immediately, if at all, appear … Continue reading

Pretties – Scott Westerfeld

“Pretties” is the sequel to the futuristic sci-fi novel “Uglies,” reviewed by me previously. As I stated in that review, I’m not really a sci-fi fan, but these books are fascinating to me. Tally Youngblood lives in a society where beauty is the ultimate goal. When the people in her town reach the age of sixteen, they are given surgery to make them incredibly beautiful, but at the same time, their brains are altered to make them less aware of what’s going on around them. They are being controlled and kept from uprising. Only a few have escaped the surgery, … Continue reading