Author Interview – Michele Paige Holmes on Critique Groups

We are joined again today by award-winning LDS author, Michele Paige Holmes. If you missed yesterday’s installment, you can click here to catch up. Michele, thanks for being here with us again today. You are in a critique group with several other well-known LDS authors. How important is a critique group to the writing process? I wouldn’t be published without my critique group. They have been and continue to be the single best thing I’ve ever done or can do to further my writing. I’m grateful for the imagination and talent God blessed me with, but after I’ve done my … Continue reading

Author Interview – Michele Paige Holmes

Today we are joined by one of the brightest new stars on the LDS fiction market, Michele Paige Holmes. Michele, thank you for being here today. Your novel “Counting Stars” won the first-ever Whitney Award for Women’s Fiction. I have to ask, what did that feel like? After the initial shock (and it was a shock—I mean, Stephanie Meyer . . . come on!), it felt wonderful. It was especially sweet to share the moment with my husband who has supported me in my writing endeavors for a very long time. You tried several different publishers on the national market … Continue reading

Counting Stars – Michele Paige Holmes

Literally less than one week off the press, “Counting Stars” by Michele Paige Holmes is possibly the newest LDS fiction book on the market. I had the privilege of picking up one of the first copies at a signing this last Saturday. The book was different from other LDS romances I’ve read. Our main character is Jane Warner, a woman who will shortly be thirty and is unmarried. That’s bad enough by itself, but her family teases her, prays for her, and wonders if she’ll ever get married. Turns out, it’s pretty hard to get married when you’re not even … Continue reading

The Summer Girl – Andrea Boeshaar

Jena has been working her way through college, determined not to graduate with a pile of bills waiting for her. Consequently, it has taken a her a long time – a semester here and there, taking time off to earn money for the next round, then back to school. Now in her late twenties and with only a few semesters left to go, it’s time again to find a summer job. A sweet elderly lady in her church recommends that she apply to work as a summer girl for a wealthy lawyer, taking care of his daughters. She goes to … Continue reading

Book Awards: The Whitneys – The Winners and Celebration

I had a unique opportunity this last Saturday night. As I’ve examined book awards over the last few months, I blogged about a new award being offered for LDS fiction, called “The Whitney.” Saturday was the first ever Whitney award dinner, where the winners of the 2007 Whitneys were announced. I’ve never been to a book award celebration before, and it was something else – almost like having a live seat at the Oscars or Emmys, only on a smaller scale, and for books. There were prizes offered for the following genres, and I also list the winners here: Best … Continue reading

Copycat – Betsy Brannon Green

Mark and Kate Iverson are living the southern dream in Haggerty, Alabama. Now the parents of two adorable children, they have everything they’ve ever wanted. Along with being an FBI agent, Mark is now the bishop of their ward, and so he’s gone a lot, but Kate has learned to deal with her husband’s absences, and besides, she always has Miss Eugenia to help her when she gets a little overwhelmed. Kate’s sister Kelsey has come for a visit, contemplating whether she should divorce her husband. She’s four months pregnant, but her husband doesn’t know, and she’s not sure if … Continue reading

Author Interview – Traci Hunter Abramson, Part Two — Future Projects

Thank you for joining us for part two of our interview with author Traci Hunter Abramson. If you missed part one, click here. Traci, when we left off yesterday, you were telling us about your published books. What projects are you working on now? Believe it or not, I have several novels I’m working on right now. “Freefall” is due out in the spring of 2008 from Covenant Communications. For people who have read “Undercurrents,” they might remember Matt’s younger sister, Amy Whitmore, who is the main character. Amy is taken hostage in the fictional country of Abolstan and Brent … Continue reading