The Magical, Mystical, Marvelous Coat – Catherine Ann Cullen

“The Magical, Mystical, Marvelous Coat” is the story of a girl and her favorite piece of outerwear. She lists six reasons why it’s a magical coat. You see, there are six buttons that march down the front. The first one is labeled “cold,” the second, “warm,” and the third plays music. The fourth is shaped like a star, while the fifth is like a stone. The sixth button is a little tiny doll, who is also wearing a coat. One day, she went out to see what she could see. She came upon a giant who was miserable. Being so … Continue reading

What Shall We Play? – Sue Heap

It’s time to play pretend! In “What Shall We Play?” by Sue Heap, we explore the wonderful world of imagination and all the fun we can have there. Lily Mae wants to play fairies, but Matt wants to pretend to be trees. He acts the role of a big tree, while Martha is a shaky tree and Lily Mae is a quiet tree. They all reached their arms up to the sky, pretending that their branches were climbing toward the sun. Their impersonations are really quite good – I nearly mistook them for actual trees. Lily Mae would like to … Continue reading

Blossom and Boo: A Story about Best Friends – Dawn Apperley

Blossom is a cute little white rabbit, and her very best friend is Boo, a brown bear cub. Every day they meet to play together in the woods. In the summer, they like to go exploring and make each other daisy chains. They skip stones in the stream, causing splashes and ripples. In the fall, they go berry picking and have picnics. When Blossom falls down and hurts her paw, Boo is right there to make her feel better. Blossom repays him by giving him some of her berries when the mice steal his. Sure enough, Blossom and Boo are … Continue reading

Earthquack! – Marge Palatini

I thoroughly enjoyed discovering Marge Palatini a few weeks ago. What a sense of humor! “Earthquack!” is her updated take on the old “Chicken Little” story we all know so well. Chucky Ducky had just finished his morning swim and was letting the water roll off his back when he heard a rumbling sound and discovered that the earth was crumbling right beneath his little yellow webbed feet. Deciding it must be an earthquake, he set off to warn his friends. First on his list was Lucy Goosey. “The earth is crumbling!” he tells her, and she’s not sure if … Continue reading

The Picture Books of Pamela Duncan Edwards

Let’s begin our look at author Pamela Duncan Edwards with her picture book about manners, called “Rude Mule.” On the first page we are presented with a question – what if a mule knocked on your front door and announced that he had come for lunch? And then what if he wouldn’t wash his hooves before eating, and what if he kept braying at the table? Well, he certainly wouldn’t get any lunch, but if he washed his hooves like a good little mule, and asked for lunch politely, you’d give him some. If he slurps and gobbles, what would … Continue reading

Chimps Don’t Wear Glasses – Laura Joffe Numeroff

A departure from her “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” series, Laura Joffe Numeroff gives us “Chimps Don’t Wear Glasses,” an imaginative look into the animal world and how it relates to us as humans, encouraging the reader to let loose and be creative. I’ve found frequently in my explorations into children’s picture books that the illustrations surpass the text, and that is certainly true in this case. The illustrations are fantastic. We begin with a picture of a chimp rock band, all dressed to the teeth (some looking remarkably like Elton John) and the words, “Chimps don’t wear … Continue reading