Goldilocks Returns – Lisa Campbell Ernst

Often when I finish a book, I wonder what becomes of the characters after the magical words “and they all lived happily ever after.” What does that mean, anyway? In “Goldilocks Returns,” this question is answered. Let’s find out what happened to everyone’s favorite blonde trespasser. Goldi deeply regrets the life of crime she led as a child. She has done everything she can to live it down – she changed her hairstyle and she now runs a shop to sell locks to keep trespassers out. But she dreams about bears and the guilt is running so deep, even her … Continue reading

The Bantam of the Opera – Mary Jane Auch

In a clever spoof, “The Bantam of the Opera” tells us the story of Luigi, born a bantam, but with the dream of being a singer. While all the other roosters were learning how to sing their boring old “cock-doodle-doos,” Luigi would throw in a little something special to set himself apart from all the others. The head rooster had issues with this, and commanded Luigi to sing it just like everyone else. Luigi tried to mind, he really did, but when you’ve got music in your soul, what are you going to do? He tried humming, but it wasn’t … Continue reading

Cinder Edna – Ellen Jackson

We’ve all heard the story of Cinderella. But did you know that she had a next door neighbor? That girl’s name was Cinder Edna, and she was pretty much in the same boat. All day long, both girls worked hard scrubbing, cleaning, and cooking. (What’s up with their neighborhood?) But there was one significant difference between them. When Cinderella’s work was done, she would sit near the fireplace to keep warm, thinking about her troubles, while Cinder Edna sang while she worked and took advantage of her situation to learn all she could about cooking and housework. Edna had tried … Continue reading

Chickerella — Mary Jane and Herm Auch

Ever since reading and reviewing “Ashes of Roses” by Mary Jane Auch, I’ve been on the lookout for more of her work. I was very pleasantly surprised to happen upon this children’s picture book. “Chickerella” is the story of Cinderella, but I’m sure you’ve guessed there’s a twist. Yep, our heroine is a chicken. Her mother was carried away by a fox, and her father remarried, bringing stepsisters Ovumelda and Cholestera into the family. The stepmother’s smile gave Chickerella hen bumps. It wasn’t long before she sent Chickerella’s father off on a wild goose chase and turned Chickerella into a … Continue reading