Hannah and the Seven Dresses – Marthe Jocelyn

I’m fascinated by the many different mediums children’s book illustrators use as they create pictures. In “Hannah and the Seven Dresses,” we see a clever way to show texture and color – the author, who is also the illustrator, made cloth collages and used them for the pictures. This is perfectly suited to the story, as the story is about clothes. Hannah sometimes has a hard time making decisions. You see, she has a closet full of lovely dresses, which she loves to wear, but it can be very hard to decide what dress to wear on what day. All … Continue reading

Bebe Goes Shopping – Susan Middleton Elya

We’re learning Spanish as part of our homeschool curriculum, so whenever I see a picture book that combines Spanish and English, I snatch it up to be used for school. “Bebe Goes Shopping” was particularly cute. The text is written in rhyme, with interspersed Spanish words all throughout. The context tells you what the word means, which I love – I like being able to figure it out without having to look it up. Mama and Bebe have gone to the supermarcado. Bebe is in the carrito, looking around for something sweet to eat. As soon as Mama bends over … Continue reading