Watching Baby Einstein Does Not an Einstein Make

Every time I make a post like this or share similar information in a forum, someone says, “No, that’s not true.” “We all watched television when we were kids and we turned out just fine.” “If you use television properly, it can be educational.” “I HAVE to have some time to myself and videos are the only way I get it.” “But this is educational?!” “The research is biased. . .” And so the list of excuses go on. At the risk of sounding like an obnoxious broken record, a new study was published today that shows babies ages 8 … Continue reading

Boob Tube Babies

When I was in college, the internet was just starting to gain speed. One of my professors encouraged us all to get e-mail as it would “change the way we communicate.” All of my toys were wooden or ‘classic’ and I don’t think I had a single electronic anything when I was little. I’m only 32 and while my kids think I’m ‘old’, really, it goes to show how rapidly the information age has changed our culture. I was also only allowed no more than 30 minutes of television time when I was young. Any additional time had to be … Continue reading

Counting the Years with Merchandising

Writing up yesterday’s blog entry started me thinking about the other kinds of “merchandise” that I’ve bought over the past few years since my boys were born, and you know what? There’s quite a lot of it, and it’s not just the Disney workforce that I’m helping to keep employed! First of all Peter Rabbit moved into our home. Ok, so I didn’t actually pay for this as my sister’s baby had outgrown it and she needed somewhere else to put it at a time I had a need for nursery linens, but it was the introduction of merchandise to … Continue reading