3 Ways to Squash the Shopping Bug

Have the shopping bug? Try one of these tips. Whether you are a mall rat or a thrift store diva, you may be bit by the shopping bug. The shopping bug gives you an urge to go shopping and bring home something. The shopping bug does not want you to leave that store empty handed. That is because it gets a nice little kick back from the debt bug. One surely leads to the other. If you want to squash that old shopping bug where it crawls, then you’ll need your own form of pesticide. Bring the kids As a … Continue reading

Minneapolis—-More than Just Home to the Mall of America

I admit it; one of my first trips to Minneapolis, Minnesota was to visit what was then the world’s largest indoor shopping center–the Mall of America. The massive retail establishment is located in the suburb of Bloomington and is worth the 20-minute car ride from downtown Minneapolis. It is considered the Mecca of malls and with 2.5 million square feet (another 1.1 million square feet is being added), more than 500 stores, an indoor amusement park, a 1.2 million-gallon aquarium with more than 8,000 fish and other aquatic creatures, a virtual submarine ride, a wedding chapel, a NASCAR simulator, 50 … Continue reading

Using your Library

No matter where you live, there is a valuable resource in your neighborhood. It is known as the library. Why not take advantage of this vital community center; you certainly pay for it out of your taxes already. To be honest, not using your library is a bit like throwing money away. In almost every county, state and city these days… libraries are changing. There are almost unlimited reasons to check one out today. *Internet The web has opened the door for easier access to library services as well as new resources within the library itself. No more card catalogs, … Continue reading

A Library in a Shopping Mall?

Libraries vs. shopping malls. The two things seem as diametrically opposed as a hot fudge sundae and a chunk of tofu. Yet for residents of Orem, Utah, it’s not all that strange. The Orem City Library has been undergoing a $1.8 million dollar remodel, involving half of the library. The south wing will feature a brighter interior, with new ceilings, lighting, and seating. But what do you do with half the contents of an entire library? You can’t just shove it all into a closet while the remodeling takes place. Thus was born the idea of opening a branch of … Continue reading

A Tote for All Seasons

I am a sucker for a good tote bag. I love stuffing things in a tote and carrying it all with me. I keep a tote in my car to fill with items for field trips, groceries, extra clothes, or blankets during the winter. I struggled with totes that were flimsy or small until I found the Large Utility Tote from Thirty-One. On the day I took this picture my Large Utility Tote helped my daughter carry all her art supplies to the park for a fun arts and crafts day. The tote works full time in my home so … Continue reading

20 Ways to Get Free Entertainment

Free Entertainment is all around us. We just have to reach out for it. 1. Free movie rentals from Redbox. Search for “Redbox codes” online. You’ll get at least one free movie rental a week when using the Redbox video machines. 2. Free Lego Build Event. Each month Lego stores sponsor free building events for ages 6 through 14. Kids can build a new Lego model each month (this month it is a log cabin) and then take it home. 3. Free video games from the library. Chances are that your library is stocked with video games for current systems. … Continue reading

Four Ways to Downsize the Gimmies

Don’t let the “Gimmies” take over your home. Use the following advise to downsize the constant requests for stuff from your kids. Limit Media Exposure The number of commercial ads that our kids are exposed to on a daily basis is staggering. All of those ads have just one purpose, to sell us stuff, our kids included. The more ads our children are exposed to, the more things they will believe that they have to have. These ads are very clever at manipulating our children into never being satisfied and always wanting more. Limiting the media exposure our children receive … Continue reading

Family Friendly Volunteering

When you can’t always afford to pay for family fun, you can make your own by volunteering! How Can Volunteering Be Fun? First of all, helping others often puts things in perspective. Benefiting people or even animals that are not as fortunate as you are can make anyone appreciate all that they have. Often it forces even children to look around and start enjoying the blessings they already experience. Volunteering really makes us feel good. It is fun in itself. Studies have shown that people who volunteer tend to me more joyful and happier in life. Isn’ t that a … Continue reading

The Spending Diet Game Plan

Lose the extra weight from your budget by putting your spending habits on a diet. At the end of the month, you’ll have extra money that you can use to pay off some outstanding debt, and your budget will be slim and trim. Keep it up for six months or more, and your budget will be healthier than it has ever been. When you diet to lose weight, you must burn more calories than you take in if you want to be successful. A spending diet is similar, although in this case, you must take in more money than you … Continue reading

Toddler Book Shelf – Virginia Lee Burton

There is something special about reading with children. Whether it is bed time or another quiet time during the day, inviting your toddler to enjoy a book with you can strengthen your bond and encourage your toddler’s natural curiosity. There are so many books to choose from, and I have found that there is no easy way to predict which ones will become Dylan’s favorites and which will be read once, or started and not finished because they did not hold his attention. I have found one author whose books Dylan absolutely adores. Virginia Lee Burton’s classic children’s stories from … Continue reading